Monday 6 December 2010

Poor Bloggy

Ooh my poor blog has been very neglected recently! The reason being that I have just moved house. Now they say that apart from babies and weddings moving house is one of the most stressful things you can do, I haven’t really found this to be the case but it has meant I haven’t had a lot of time for exercise and therefore not a lot to write about.

However I am now settled in, got my bearings (kinda, I’m not that navigationally minded!) and into the swing of life in my new home. This means the training must start again.

My New Years resolution last year was to “get hot” and I am afraid I have not really done that well, I haven’t got uglier I don’t think but I pretty much look the same as this time last year. I’m going to carry on the resolution to 2011 as well I think. We shall see how that goes.

So Sunday morning I woke Michael up at about 7:30am. The great thing about our new place is the light, it streams through our bedroom window first thing in the morning and, so far anyway, makes it easier to get up early. We got dressed and went out on our bikes. I loved it! We did 22kms to Kurnell and back, it took about 1 hour. The road to Kurnell is long and straight and has some great bike paths so I see myself doing the route a fair bit.

There were lots of professional looking people whizzing past us, I’m not sure if there was some sort of time trial happening but it was pretty interesting to see them all in there team outfits, putting in so much effort, definitely not a casual Sunday pedal.

We also have a pool in our apartment block so I need to make use of that, even it is just jumping in and doing a couple of lengths before my morning shower. Mustn’t forget running! We are pretty close to the beach so I plan to do some morning runs along the esplanade. I need another schedule I think, will keep you posted on that. In the mean time just to make this entry look a little more interesting here is a map of the Kurnell route I took. 

Until next time, which hopefully won't be as long.
Chubby Katie.x