Thursday 9 December 2010

Front crawl Freestyle Tomato Tomato

I had a great swim last night! I have decided that as soon as January arrives I am going to start properly training for the Cole Classic, at the moment I am just doing swims when I feel like it and the amount of laps that I can fit in.

Before I go any further I really need to complain about something! In Australia and USA they call front crawl freestyle. This really winds me up. Surely freestyle means whichever stroke you want? Now I presume that in a freestyle race people tend to use front crawl as it is fastest but somehow the stroke as become known as freestyle. I am pleased to find that Wikipedia agrees with me but still it irritates me.

Anyway I have always been a breast stroke swimmer. When I was younger I swam 5k using breast stroke and always concentrated on that stroke. I never really perfected my front crawl and now my parents no longer pay for my swimming lessons (and I am a bit too poor to pay for them) I am trying to teach myself.

So last night we got home, quickly got changed and went down to the ocean pool. By the time we got there I the wind had picked up and I was quite worried that the water was going to be freezing. Luckily it wasn’t and I really enjoyed the swim. I managed 16 lengths so 480 metres, which is really annoying as at the time I thought I had done 500!

I reckon ocean pools are good practise for ocean swims, you get used to the salt water and there is a bit of movement from the waves but not as hard core as being out in the wide ocean with all the sharks and jelly fish!
Ocean swimming is something I want to improve eventually but I think I need to get stronger with my stroke first.

As you have probably suspected I didn’t manage to get up this morning at 6am. Some serious methods are needed I think, I might move my alarm clock away from the bed so that I have to get up anyway. So no run today and tonight I need to do some Christmas shopping so no run then either. I saw something on tv the other day that said you should try and do your exercise in the mornings as life tends to get in the way the rest of the day. That’s definitely true for me, I am easily persuaded to go shopping/go for a drink/watch a film rather than go for my run so I really need to get these mornings sorted. As always I shall set my alarm for 6am tonight and endeavour to get up!

Chubby Katie.x