Friday 17 May 2013

The thin end of the wedge

Well I am at the thin end of the wedge now in terms of my marathon training. 
I'm not sure that phrase is entirely suitable for me. I think in race terms it usually is used to describe the elite athletes rather than the middle of the roaders, the back of the packers but what I mean is I am in my taper and counting down the hours almost till the gun goes off.

Yesterday Michael Clease and I did our last training run. I've got to say I felt really good. It was only 10km but we managed to do it in a decent time and pretty much negative split.

In case you don't know what negative splitting is its when you do a race faster in the second half than the first. The logic being that most people go out too fast and then can't keep it up, if you negative split you have "saved enough in the tank" to power through to the finish line. Negative splitting means that you have paced yourself well, haven't been swept up the atmosphere and should finish feeling strong.

The last two marathons I have done I definitely haven't negatively splitted (splat?). If you've read my race report of the Sydney marathon you'll know I got carried away and started running with the sub 4hr group! This time I feel I have learnt so lessons, my strong run yesterday has left me feeling positive. All I have to do is make sure Michael Clease doesn't get carried away (I think he is a faster runner than me) and keep my fingers crossed that the forecast rain doesn't show itself till after midday!

I thought of a couple more tips recently. These are Chubby Katie tips rather than Real Buzz but they are really common sense. 

  • Cut your toe nails/have a pedicure a week before the race.

Its a good idea to have neat short nails before the race, hopefully in an effort to keep as many of them as possible! Cutting them a week before hand means if you cut them a little close they shouldn't be sore on race day

  • Tie your shoe laces well

Oh how I have made this mistake! Many a time i've had to re-tie my laces. Chances are they'll come undone at the start ruining your momentum. Theres a chance they might come undone nearer the end, by then bending down to tie then might create its own issues!

  • Do a little warm up jog before you start

The main reason I do this is not for warming up but to make sure everything I am wearing is comfortable. As discussed in the last rules you shouldn't wear anything new but you might not have worn all your items together before. For example I will be wearing a running belt to carry gels, this sits at different positions round my waist depending on the shorts I am wearing. My hair is also sometimes an issue, doing a little job will ensure its fixed in place. I cannot stand bits of hair that keep falling into my face!!

Well thats it! One more day till the big day. I shall be sure to take lots of photos and give a full race report.

Chubby Katie.x