Wednesday 15 May 2013

Marathon tips part 2

Ooh so I've just been looking at the posts that I started drafting and never finished. Back in April 2011!!! I wrote a marathon tips one and never finished maraton tips two. With less than a week to go before my next one it seemed like a good time to share it.
Just a reminder that I found these tips on

  • Resist the urge for a toilet break
Yes I reckon this is a good idea. Most the time it is just nerves making you think you need a wee or looking for a reason to take your mind off the race. You should also resist the urge to drink for the sake of it. If you have planned your nutrition and hydration well you should know exactly how much to drink. A trick I am trying this time is to hydrate a lot on the days leading up but then not too much on the day.

  • Do a body scan during the race 

I've heard this before. Chrissie Wellington suggests doing it. Essentially you just cast you mind over each part of your body, make sure you aren't tensing, that you are relaxed and sticking to the form you have been practising.
I have tried this a few times on longer runs. Usually I will only remember ones but hey thats better than not doing it!
Start with your eyebrows and work all the way down to your little toe, if nothing else it should take your mind off giving up for a few minutes!

  • Stick to what you know

Oh this is a biggy! Never do a run in any new clothing or with new nutrition that you haven't tried in training. If you've practised it or worn it there is less margin for error on race day. It can be tempting to treat yourself to something new and shiny with the aim to look your best for the big day but if after 10minutes your new shoes start rubbing you'll be kicking yourself.

  • Watch your running step

This just means to watch where you are going. Look out for things like plastic cups, especially round drinks stations, gel packets and curbs. I feel over when I did the city to surf a few years ago. I got swept along with the rush, some guy was messing around in front of me and over I went. 
Try to stay out of the big crowds, don't hug the curbs too much and don't go faster than you have prepared for. 

  • Talk to yourself while you run

This is an interesting one, one that I haven't really tried.  Usually its more like my body telling my brain "this this is crazy, you could easily stop, whats the point of putting me through this pain". I guess the trick is to tell yourself the opposite. "This is good for you, don't give up you've trained so hard, the pain is small compared to the disappointment you'll feel if you stop half way!"

  • Enjoy the race!

Well this might be easier said than done. You've trained for this for ages so may as well enjoy it right! Really savour the highlights of the run, whether its running accross the harbour bridge, tower bridge or just the beautiful Great Ocean road scenery.