Wednesday 8 May 2013

Homeward bound

I struggle to get enough mileage in (funny how I still call it mileage even though I train in kilometres!), often things come up on the weekend and it throws out your plan. When you have three hours allocated to that run it can be tricky to reschedule. That happened this weekend, Sure I maybe didn't try as hard as I could but things just kept getting in the way.

That's why I have started running home from work. I live around 24km from work and often in the past I have gotten off the train a few stops earlier and run the last 6 or so kms. Over the last few months Michael clease and I have been getting off half way and running 16km. Last week though we decided to run the whole way! It was tough, we hadn't eaten much since lunch, we were relying on water fountains, it was dark and we didn't have dinner till 9pm but the suckers for punishment that we are, we plan to do it again tomorrow.

We will go a little more prepaid through. I'll pack up some snacks for us to have through out the afternoon, I have a little head torch that'll I'll strap round my arm and i'll carry some water.

Wish me luck!

My bottle belt is similar to this but the bottles face downwards. I only had
three bottles  but lost one on a longer run one day so now i'm down to two :(