Tuesday 10 January 2012

Banana lollies

I saw a thing in a magazine recently saying how good frozen bananas are. I'm a pretty big fan of bananas anyway and apparently they get sweeter when they are frozen.

I think in America they do frozen bananas but they cover them in chocolate and sprinkles and all kinds of (tasty) unhealthy stuff.

It got me thinking about making ice cream from then and putting it in those plastic lolly makers. So I blended together 2 bananas, a teaspoon of peanut butter, a few splashes of milk and some chocolate powder and heres the result. It was pretty tasty, it's worth experimenting with proportions and I might add some honey to sweeten them or some blackstrap molasses when i finally get hold of it to up my iron intake. It's a pretty tasty post run treat on a hot day :)