Tuesday 15 November 2011

Oh lovely sleep

As you know well I struggle to get out of bed in the mornings, I generally consider myself a morning person and rarely sleep longer than 8:30. But I really struggle to get up at 6am. The other day I found an iPhone app that claims to wake you up when you are in the lightest stage of sleep, and hence more gently and leave you feeling
fresher and less tired. It works by monitoring your movement, I think the more you move the less deep sleep you are in. You then set a 1/2 hour window and it will choose when to wake you up. Well I set it last night. I can't say I woke up much easier but the graph it plotted was very interesting!
Although I'm not sure its wise to sleep with your phone next to your head so I don't think I'll make it a regular thing.

Sprint baby is less than a week away and I feel very unprepared. I went for a run on Saturday and it was tough. I still plan to give it go but don't fancy my chances of a good time. I'm considering swimming in a pool just so I have somewhere safer to leave my bike. So it's either 19 laps of the ocean pool or 75 of the regular pool. I will also aim to start quite early, maybe 6ish. Not only does it mean there will be less traffic on the road but also I can do other
things during the day and maybe even go back to bed after ;)

I still haven't heard back about volunteering at the Kurnell triathlon. If your reading this organisers your slack! I will still go and watch on sunday but I'm not going to chase them up, at least it will mean I don't have to get up at 4:30am!

Chubby Katie. X