Saturday 17 September 2011


I forgot to mention that as to treat myself after the marathon I bought myself a trisuit. It was only about $60 so not the best on the Market but a good starter I reckon. Its an orca one so should be desent enough but probably a few seasons old. It's the one of the far right in the elite(scary!) section I won't post an pics yet as they're not the most flattering things unless your super skinny. I finally tried it out today in the little pool in our apartment block and it was good, a little strange when your used to a bikini but still comfortable. I just need the ocean temperature to warm up a few degrees!
It was my birthday on Friday! I took it off work and just relaxed. I was very lucky though and got lots of presents, they seemed to have a definite sporty theme to them. I got a running vest top, a running long sleeve top (from a brand called lululemon, i haven't heard of them before but they do some nice stuff) and a book on running for women. From my sister I got a book on cycling and a heart rate monitor, see what I mean!
I'm trying to use them as motivation, yesterday I tried out the long sleeve top. It was much easier to get out into the cold when you have something warm to put on. 
I've never worn a heart rate monitor before, it will be interesting to start monitoring my training rate. I might test it out tomorrow if I can figure out how to work it!

Ok I'm off to bed. Good night
Chubby Katie.x